Plan April Fool’s Pranks With FCC In Mind

With April Fools’ Day only a few days away, we need to play our role as attorneys and ruin the fun by repeating our annual reminder that broadcasters need to be careful with any on-air pranks, jokes or other bits prepared especially for the day. While a little fun is OK, remember that the FCC does have a rule against on-air hoaxes.


Of ‘Professor Wimpy’ And Blather-Powered Mics


Ajit Pai Tweets Obama Wants Him For FCC Chair


April Fools Gags on Air? Play It Safe

With April Fool’s Day only a few days away, we need to repeat our annual reminder that broadcasters need to be careful with any on-air pranks, jokes or other jokes prepared especially for the day. While a little fun is OK, remember that the FCC does have a rule against on-air hoaxes — and, of any day in the year, April 1 is the day that the broadcaster is most at risk.