Fuzzy Picture As Channel-Sharing Take Effect

The FCC announced that the preliminary TV channel sharing rules inits Report and Order in the Innovation in Broadcast Television Bands proceeding will become effective on June 22. The rules establish the basic framework by which two or more full-power/Class A television stations can voluntarily choose to share a single 6 MHz channel. Channel sharing is integral to clearing the television broadcast spectrum so that the FCC can auction it for wireless broadband as called for in the National Broadband Plan.


Date For FCC Channel-Sharing Rules Set

The commission’s initial, bare-bones TV channel-sharing rules, adopted late last month, are set to take effect on June 22, according to a notice published in the Federal Register.


Channel-Sharing Ground Rules Emerge

The FCC adopts skeletal preliminary rules for sharing, but leaves plenty of important details to be worked out in future proceedings. They mark the beginning of a process that will likely lead to dramatic changes in the landscape.