Foursquare To Buy Placed From Snap Inc.

Six Tech Companies Sue Over Net Neutrality

Six technology companies including Kickstarter, Foursquare and Etsy have launched a lawsuit against the FCC in an effort to preserve net neutrality rules. The companies, which also include Shutterstock, Expa and Automattic, on Monday filed their petition with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

Foursquare Begins Pilot Program To Test Paid Ads

NBC, Foursquare To Track Campaign Stops

CBS Local Sites Add ‘Save To Foursquare’

Foursquare rolled out a new feature today than lets users save their favorite restaurants, bars and other spots to their “To Do Lists” with the click of a button. Foursquare announced several publishers who are adding the “save” button on their sites, including CBS Local’s TV websites.


Inside WCAU Philadelphia’s Foursquare Efforts


WCAU Adds News To Foursquare

The NBC-owned station in Philadelphia has teamed up with Foursquare to bring local news reporting to the check-in service. While WCAU is already posting traditional Foursquare tips — “Crab fries, good eats and lots of TV” at Chickie’s & Pete’s — it will now have reporters post news updates at different locations in the market.