Amazon Primed For ‘Thursday Night Football’ Tour

The fully remote production launches tonight with a new mobile fleet of 16 that’s producing the games in 1080p with High Dynamic Range with around 250 people onsite for each TNF game. (Courtesy of Prime Video)


NBC Sticks To ‘Sunday Night Football’ Playbook For The Super Bowl

Teed up by riveting playoffs, NBC will rely on the same core technical setup it employs for its regular-season NFL games when it broadcasts Super Bowl 56 on Sunday. “The more you can stick with what got you to where you are, the better off you are,” says Drew Esocoff, the big game’s director. Above, the Infinity Screen by Samsung in SoFi Stadium (Photo: Will Navarro).

How COVID Will Alter ‘Sunday Night Football’

NBC’s perennially top-rated Sunday Night Football broadcasts will sound fairly normal this fall, Executive Producer Fred Gaudelli promised Thursday, but they will feature fewer crowd shots due to few if any fans attending games.