SNTA: Syndies Stay Strong In Summer

Syndicated TV outperformed broadcast and cable TV in June with 30 of the 50 highest rated shows among 18-49s and 31 of the top 50 among 18-34s, the trade association says. “People still watch TV in the summer,” says Mitch Burg, SNTA president. “They just watch differently. As network TV ratings decline, compared to other times of the year, our ratings are consistent.”


Syndication’s Strong Upfront Is No Surprise

Mitch Burg, president of the Syndicated Network Television Association, says the medium delivers great programming that viewers really value as demonstrated by both ratings and E-score research that looks at viewers’ attitudes toward syndication and show hosts. And it does this, on average, for about half the cost of network primetime, yet is delivering, in many cases, ratings that are greater than network primetime. And marketers like syndication because the shows’ advertising pods continue to be much shorter, generating higher recall and awareness for advertisers.