Multistate Deal — PRICE: $5,900,000 BUYER: Forum Communications Company (William Marcil Jr., chairman/CEO) SELLER: Rapid Broadcasting Company (Steve Mentele, president)
South Dakota: KNBN-TV, KWBH-LD, KKRA-LD Rapid City, K35MW-D Lead FACILITIES: KNBN-TV: DTV Ch. 21, 100.000 kW, ant. 692 ft.; KWBH-LD: DTV Ch. 27, 2.600 kW, ant. 440 ft.; KKRA-LD: DTV Ch. 25, 2.600 kW, ant. 449 ft.; K35MW-D: DTV Ch. 35, 15.000 kW, ant. 1818 ft. AFFILIATIONS: KNBN-TV: NBC; KWBH-LD: NBC; KKRA-LD: NBC; K35MW-D: NBC
Wyoming: K22AD-D Gillette FACILITIES: DTV Ch.22, 0.480 kW, ant. 138 ft AFFILIATION: IND
KPJC-LD San Francisco — PRICE: $500,000 BUYER: DRC Broadcast Innovations LLC (Scott Centers, managing member) SELLER: Chang Broadcasting (Jeff Chang, sole proprietor) FACILITIES: DTV Ch.11, 0.059 kW, ant. 1243 ft. AFFILIATION: IND
KAUN-LD Sioux Falls, SD — PRICE: $100,000 BUYER: Forum Communications Company (William Marcil Jr., chairman/CEO) SELLER: J F Broadcasting LLC (James Simpson, president) FACILITIES: DTV Ch.25, 0.720 kW, ant. 144 ft. AFFILIATION: Yto
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