Fox Weather has partnered exclusively with Surfline, which gives Fox Weather exclusive broadcast rights to more than 500 HD cameras worldwide to showcase weather conditions at beaches around the globe. The cameras are located on both coasts of the United States, as well as the Caribbean, Mexico, South America, Europe, Northern Africa, Japan and the Philippians. The cameras are being used in Fox Weather’s coverage to give viewers a closer look at ocean conditions.
The partnership, which saw Fox Weather begin implementing Surfline cameras into its coverage the week of Jan. 10, played a crucial role in Fox Weather’s recent extended coverage following Tsunami warnings on the U.S. West Coast following the volcanic eruption in Tonga. It will also be instrumental in Fox Weather’s hurricane coverage this upcoming season.
Fox Weather President Sharri Berg said: “Fox Weather is proud to partner exclusively with Surfline to provide our viewers with more than 500 high-definition feeds of live video and data as we monitor countless weather patterns impacting coastlines around the world.”
This latest announcement follows one in October, in which Fox partnered with WeatherSTEM to provide newsgathering data from cameras located at professional and collegiate stadiums.
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