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Anderson Cooper changes talk show name, format

By Ann Oldenburg, USA TODAY

Anderson Cooper has just announced new plans for the second season of his talk show. Among them: a name and format change.

Hey, if Snoop Dogg can become Snoop Lion, Anderson can return as Anderson Live.

Cooper's one-hour daily syndicated talk show will kick off on Sept. 10 with a new set and new live format with rotating co-hosts. The announcement was made today by Anderson Live Executive Producer Terence Noonan.

So it will be a live show? Not exactly. It will tape in front of a live studio audience at 9 a.m. Monday - Thursday at the CBS Broadcast Center in New York City. Stations that choose to air it live at 9 a.m. ET will be able to do that.

It will have "live capabilities" that will enable Cooper to cover stories while they are breaking and update his viewers with the latest news.

Celeb interviews already lined up include Richard Gere, Emma Watson, Julie Bowen and Ty Burrell, Mindy Kaling, Kerry Washington, Stephen Colbert and Carol Burnett.

And because there always has to be the social media component, AndersonCooper.com is launching several new initiatives including:

Anderson's Summer Instagram Photo-A-Day Challenge: A month-long photo sharing contest on Instagram. Anderson will also snap and share his own personal photos from his summer. Contest starts Monday.

Talk with #AndersonLive: As the show tapes live, feedback from fans will be incorporated into the show via Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and other social networks.

Stump Anderson: Each week fans will be encouraged to send in trivia questions via social media to be answered by Anderson during a live webcast.

Anderson Seat Tweets: Fans tweet to sit in Anderson's Seat Tweets section, a reserved special section of that audience that allows for live tweeting throughout the show taping.

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