Koch Bros. Slot $889M For ’16 Political Spend
The political network overseen by the conservative billionaires Charles G. and David H. Koch plans to spend close to $900 million on the 2016 campaign, an unparalleled effort by coordinated outside groups to shape a presidential election that is already on track to be the most expensive in history.
This article was originally posted on nytimes.com
Gregg Palermo
Nary a word about George Soros and the billions he sends the Democrats, because that’s how the NYT rolls.
Gene Johnson
Nothing like grossly overstating your case. Please provide evidence that Mr. Soros sends “billions” to the Democrats. How about evidence that he sends even one-tenth of what the Koch’s organization proposes spending in 2016 (i.e., $88.9M, in case you needed help with the math). Yes. Mr. Soros, and a few other very rich, support Democrats, but none have ever spent or are proposing the type of spending that the Koch’s organization is proposing. Do you really think that it’s healthy for democracy to have a relative hand-full of billionaires, who for the most part are undisclosed, spending so much money to get their preferred candidates elected?
Wagner Pereira
Suggest you read this: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2014/jun/23/do-many-billionaires-support-democratic-party/ and this: http://sunlightfoundation.com/blog/2014/10/24/revenge-of-the-democrats/ and if you do not believe those, try the Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/23/super-pac-donors_n_5613495.html
Cameron Miller
Beat it Insider, nobody likes you!
Wagner Pereira
Good. I am not going for popularity, only the truth!