Affiliates emerged from a briefing on The CW’s plans for the 2014-15 season on an optimistic note in Las Vegas Wednesday — but they weren’t providing details.
“It was totally upbeat,” said Jim Babb, EVP, Bahakel Communications. “We’re going to have a tough decision to make because we have so many good things to choose from,” Babb continued.
Added Mark Pedowitz, CW president, in an interview: “The affiliates seemed pleased with where we are going.”
CW executives declined to identify what sort of programs or other plans the network has under consideration. But several rounds of applause could be heard in the hallway during the closed-door presentation, which went for less than an hour.
“That was real applause,” added Pedowitz.
Thom Sherman, CW EVP, development, provided an overview of the pilots the network has under consideration for the next season, while Pedowitz discussed the network’s overall strategy and direction, a source said.
Other CW execs in attendance included John Maata, EVP; Rick Haskins, EVP, marketing and digital programs, and Chris Brooks, SVP, network distribution.
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