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Channel 2’s general manager hired by other Dayton TV station

By Olivia Barrow
 –  Senior Reporter, Dayton Business Journal

A Dayton television executive has switched stations.

Lisa Barhorst, former vice president and general manager at Channel 2 WDTN-TV Dayton, has left the station to join the local ABC and Fox network affiliates.

Amy Erickson, human resources administrator at WKEF-TV Channel 22 and WRGT-TV Channel 45, said Barhorst will be starting around Aug. 6, taking over for former general manager Dean Ditmer.

Officials with LIN Media, which owns WDTN, could not be reached for comment.

Maryland-based Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc. owns and operates WKEF, an ABC network affiliate, and operates WRGT, a FOX network affiliate, under a local marketing agreement.