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Fired WFOR-Channel 4 anchor Josh Benson considering lawsuit

By Oscar Pedro Musibay

The firing of WFOR-Channel 4 TV anchorman Josh Benson apparently has spurred him to consider filing a lawsuit.

Gossip Extra is reporting that his bosses at the Miami/Fort Lauderdale CBS station told him to clear out his desk after his morning newscast Aug. 30.

The alleged reason for firing the Orlando transplant was that he was streaming newscasts on his website without permission.

“Josh feels they targeted him unfairly and he could get damages,” according to an anonymous newsroom source that Gossip Extra cited. “He’s been talking to his agent at N.S. Bienstock in New York and he’s leaning toward a lawsuit.”

WFOR publicist Peter Goldberg did not provide a comment, according to Gossip Extra.