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Time Warner pulls WDRB, WMYO from lineup

By Andrew Robinson
 –  Reporter, Louisville Business First


Time Warner Cable Inc. removed WDRB-TV and WMYO-TV from its Louisville channel lineup at 12:01 this morning.

Block Communications Inc., which owns WDRB and WMYO, has been in negotiations with Time Warner Cable, which recently acquired Insight Communications, in an attempt to reach a carriage rate agreement, as Business First reported.

Providers such as Time Warner Cable (NYSE: TWC) pay to offer channels such as WDRB and WMYO.

Shortly before midnight, WDRB scrolled several lines of text describing the situation, saying Time Warner rejected WDRB's final offer.

"This may be the last time we can communicate with you." the text from WDRB said.

In an online post, Time Warner Cable said it would continue to negotiate with Block Communications.