Local News Initiatives Pay Off In Spades, With The Right Megaphones

Leaders from Graham, Tegna, Cox and Gray told a TVNewsCheck webinar last week that station projects with a strong local value proposition — and a deeper collaboration between the newsroom and creative services — can yield remarkable audience engagement.


WSOC’s ‘Get Real’ Project Tackles The Thorniest Issues Head On

Cox-owned WSOC in Charlotte, N.C., dives headlong into homeless, mental health and race in an ever-evolving reporting project that has challenged both its newsroom and its audience. It’s had a transformative effect on both. Read the full report here and/or watch the video above.


WSOC’s ‘Get Real’ Project Takes On Charlotte’s Tough Issues

Cox-owned WSOC in Charlotte, N.C., began an initiative to address issues that “might not be easy and they might not be the happiest, but it is the right thing to do,” says Deirdre Conley, the station’s creative services director.