FCC Says No To Hoax Rule Complaint

Recently, FCC staff dismissed a request by the organization Free Press asking the FCC to investigate the broadcast of the President’s press conferences on the coronavirus and programs where commentators supported the President’s pronouncements. The FCC concluded that, in covering a breaking news story like the pandemic, it would be impossible for a broadcaster to fact check every statement made in a press conference and correct any misstatements in anything approaching real time, as there is so much room for interpretation of any statement made on these ongoing matters.

What’s Behind Trump’s Fresh Push To Wrest Control Of Voice Of America

NAB Slams OTI, Facebook Over 6 GHz

The NAB is clearly unhappy with the prospect that the FCC will open up the entire 6 GHz band for sharing with unlicensed wireless. Patrick McFadden, the group’s associate general counsel, left nothing but scorched earth beneath the Open Technology Institute, Facebook, tech companies in general, conservative groups and others in a blog post over the hot-button issue of opening up that spectrum, a proposal the FCC is voting on this week.


FCC License Renewal Deadlines Remain Same

Pandemic or no, the FCC has signaled that it is business as usual for the 2020-23 TV station license renewal cycle, with the exception of public filing notices for the initial round of applications. That is according to the Media Bureau, which issued a reminder Monday (April 20).

House Favors Fed Ad Dollars For Local Media

Over half of the members of the House (240) have signed on to a letter to the Trump Administration asking it to direct federal government advertising dollars to local news media. Reps. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.), Fred Upton (R-Mich.), Marc Veasey (D-Texas) and Bill Flores (R-Texas) had circulated the letter last week seeking their colleagues’ signatures,

Senators Back Local Media COVID-19 Aid

Potential vice presidential pick Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) is one of four senators, two Democrats, two Republicans, who are calling for more local broadcasters and newspapers to be included in future COVID-19 small business assistance legislation, pointing out they are essential businesses in helping communities stay safe and informed.


Jessell | Broadcasters: Have WJFW’s Back In Trump Suit

The Trump campaign has targeted a small Wisconsin station in a libel suit over a super PAC ad. Its fellow broadcasters need to step up now by coming to its defense and fending off a critical assault on their First Amendment rights.

Pai: Pallone Should Condemn Free Press Petition

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai has asked the chairman of the House Energy & Commerce Committee to speak out against Free Press’s emergency petition to the FCC to stop what that group said was “right-wing personalities” spreading disinformation about the pandemic.

Comment Dates Set On Significant Viewing

This week, the FCC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Significant Viewing was published in the Federal Register, setting a comment deadline of May 14, with reply comments due by June 15.  The NPRM asks for comments as to whether the FCC should update its rules for establishing whether or not a TV station is “significantly viewed” in a market other than the one in which it is located, and whether the FCC has the statutory authority to make changes to these rules that have largely been in effect since 1972.

FCC Seeks SCOTUS Review Of Dereg Smackdown

The Solicitor General of the United States, on behalf of the FCC, has asked the Supreme Court to review a U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals decision overturning most of its media ownership deregulation decision, hammering the circuit for what the FCC suggested was serial obstruction of what it had concluded was in the public interest.


Collins | Navigating Tricky Political Public Files Rules

Broadcasters face new and complex political file requirements resulting from a series of decisions the FCC made in late 2019 that have resulted in what one attorney calls “a political quagmire.” While there are calls for the commission to reconsider its decisions, for now companies are required to comply with new and complex political file requirements.

Effective Date Of Truth-In-Billing Statute Deferred

Bipartisan Effort Pushes Local Media Support

House members call on colleagues, President Trump, to support local media during pandemic.

Fox News Moves To Dismiss Lawsuit Questioning Coronavirus Coverage

Discovery’s ‘Diesel Brothers’ Stars Appeal Air Pollution Fine

OGDEN, Utah (AP) — The stars of the “Diesel Brothers” reality TV show are appealing a federal court ruling requiring them to pay $848,000 to the U.S. government and a […]

Sen. Warner Urges FCC To Open More TV White Spaces

FCC Continues Fines For Improper Use Of EAS Signals

Robert McDowell: A COVID-19 Survivor Story

Still regaining his strength (he lost 12 pounds during the ordeal) and with a slight cough and what he calls a “shipwreck survivor” beard, the former FCC commissioner details his harrowing medical journey.


Trump Campaign Sues WJFW Over Biden Ad

Donald Trump’s campaign sued the Wausau-Rhinelander, Wis., CBS affiliate on Monday after it continued to air an ad from a pro-Joe Biden super PAC that attacks the President’s response to the coronavirus crisis. The spot features a graph mapping coronavirus cases in the U.S. over the past two months, with audio of comments Trump has made downplaying the threat of the virus.

NAB: FCC Spectrum Plan Could Hurt ENG

Broadcasters are giving new meaning to the phrase “dynamic spectrum access” in arguing that an FCC proposal to free up WiFi spectrum in the 6 GHz band could take away electronic newsgathering spectrum just when a pandemic-sequestered nation needs it most. That came in phone calls last week between National Association of Broadcasting executives and FCC officials.

Quibi Patent Dispute Gets Quicker Hearing

A federal judge says there’s “sufficient good cause” to hear plaintiff Eko’s request for an injection on May 4 instead of June 29.

MGM Told To Hand Over ‘Apprentice’ Tapes

A federal judge ruled this week that MGM must release unaired footage from The Celebrity Apprentice to entrepreneurs who claim they lost hundreds of thousands of dollars after President Trump and his children endorsed a multilevel marketing company on the reality show prior to the president’s election.

Liberty U. Pressing Charges Against Journalists

The college, in Lynchburg, Virginia, is led by Jerry Falwell Jr., has filed criminal trespassing against journalists from ProPublica and the New York Times for stories on the school’s remaining partially open. Falwell said the university is conducting classes online and obeying social distancing directives.


Former FCC, NTIA Official Henry Geller Dies

The longtime force in telecommunications regulation and policy was involved in the banning of cigarette advertising on broadcasting, the regulation of cable and rules prohibiting broadcasters from discriminating in employment on the basis of race. He was 96.

MGM Told To Hand Over Trump’s ‘Apprentice’ Tapes In Scam Suit

Unaired footage from Donald Trump‘s Celebrity Apprentice should be handed over to entrepreneurs who claim they were ripped off when Trump and his children repeatedly endorsed a troubled multilevel marketing company on the reality-TV show, a judge said.

FCC Urges Stations To Air Religious Services

The commission is allowing stations to preempt educational and informational children’s programming for religious programming without having to reschedule it, but only over the next three weeks.  FCC Chairman Ajit Pai signaled such preemption for religious services would also be a public service.

Former Fox Execs Stay Free On $15M Bond Each In Soccer Case

NEW YORK (AP) — Two former 21st Century Fox Inc. executives were allowed to remain free on $15 million appearance bonds, three days after they were indicted as part of […]

FCC Waives Sponsorship Identification For Sponsored COVID-19 PSAs

Trump Says He Will ‘Take A Look’ Into Pardoning ‘Tiger King’ Star Joe Exotic

President Donald Trump said Wednesday he will “take a look” into pardoning Joe Exotic, star of Netflix’s hit series Tiger King, at a coronavirus press briefing at the White House. The off-topic question immediately drew an outcry on social media.

Viacom Settles Discrimination Suit From Fired VH1 Exec