MSO Rift May Shut Out Dodgers Fans Again

For a second consecutive year, it appears the Dodgers will begin the season in complete TV meltdown, their games hidden from 70% of their fans, their brand slowly wilting with no help in sight. No, there is still no deal between Time Warner Cable and DirecTV. No, there is no resolution expected until at least the middle of the summer.


NCC I+ May Be Less Than You Think

The new NCC initiative will allow cable sellers to offer advertisers added reach on telco-owned systems and DirecTV in dozens of markets. It sounds good, but it involves a complicated system that may leave buyers far short of the homes and viewers they had paid for. TVB is keeping a close eye on NCC I+ on behalf of the advertising community. We’ve created a special NCC I+ area on our website where we’ll be posting ongoing developments.