KXLY News Director Takes Over For Morning Team On Thanksgiving


Being A News Director Was Never My Plan

To me, being a news reporter is the coolest job in the world. It’s all I ever really wanted to do and I’ve been a part of some incredible stories. But, when I moved into management 10 years ago, I found that I love mentoring journalists and strategizing beyond a single story. Through that, others saw in me something that I had not seen in myself. Still, being a news director was never my plan. Then came the school shooting.


KXLY’s Luck: Not All Media Are The Same

Melissa Luck, assistant news director at KXLY Spokane, Wash.: “A “rant” I posted Sunday night has taken on a life of its own, shared on Facebook (and, Twitter. And, LinkedIn) by journalists and other supporters of our industry. It has resonated, it seems, with journalists nationwide who are clearly trying to send a message to their family and friends: not all media is the same and we’re not part of a vast conspiracy to promote one candidate or political view or another.”