Reminder: Nationwide EAS Test On Wednesday

A nationwide EAS test is scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 11, at 2:20 p.m. ET, with “day of test” information to be filed with the FCC on ETRS Form Two by Aug. 12. The FCC issued a reminder last week, and FEMA sent an announcement of the test out yesterday, so do a last check of your equipment to be sure that you are ready to receive the test when it comes your way (or to report on any failure if for any reason it does not arrive as expected).  And don’t forget the final test date due on ETRS Form Three by Sept. 27.

It Was Only A Test, But There Were Problems

At 2 p.m. ET Wednesday, all television channels and radio stations in the United States were supposed to be interrupted by a brief test of the nation’s Emergency Alert System. Beginning at 2:01 p.m., viewers and listeners in many states said they saw and heard the alerts at the scheduled time, but others said they did not. There was no immediate explanation for the discrepancies, but that was one of the purposes of the test — to find out how well the system would work in an actual emergency.

FCC, FEMA Want Help Publicizing EAS Test

The agencies want governors, federal legislators, broadcasters, news networks and other organizations to help spread the word about the Nov. 9 nationwide test.