‘Modern Family’ Toddler’s Cuss Word Draws Ire

LOS ANGELES (AP) — An anti-profanity crusader on Tuesday asked ABC to pull this week’s “Modern Family” episode in which a toddler appears to use a bleeped curse word.

“Our main goal is to stop this from happening,” said McKay Hatch, an 18-year-old college student who founded the No Cussing Club in 2007. “If we don’t, at least ABC knows that people all over the world don’t want to have a 2-year-old saying the ‘F-bomb’ on TV.”

“We hope they know better,” said Hatch. He’s asking his club’s members, whom he said number 35,000 in the United States and about three-dozen other countries, to complain to ABC.

ABC has yet to respond, he said Tuesday. The network had no comment, a spokeswoman said.

In the episode titled “Little Bo Bleep” airing 9 p.m. EST Wednesday, 2-year-old Lily shocks parents Mitchell and Cameron (Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Eric Stonestreet) with her first expletive.

The dads, who are preparing Lily to serve as flower girl in a wedding, now have an added parenting challenge.


The tot is played by Aubrey Anderson-Emmons, who says the word “fudge” during taping. It will be bleeped on the air and her mouth will be obscured by pixilation, and viewers will get the impression that her character used the actual F-word.

Steven Levitan, creator and executive producer of the sitcom with Christopher Lloyd, told the Television Critics Association last week that he’s “proud and excited” about the F-word plotline that ABC was persuaded to allow.

“We thought it was a very natural story since, as parents, we’ve all been through this,” Levitan said to EW.com. “We are not a sexually charged show. It has a very warm tone so people accept it more. I’m sure we’ll have some detractors.”

The program, which won the Emmy Award for best comedy last fall, was named best musical or comedy series at Sunday’s Golden Globes ceremony.

Hatch, who is from South Pasadena and attends Brigham Young University in Rexburg, Idaho, said he began his anti-profanity club in 2007 when he noticed how rampant cursing was at his school and how it was linked to bullying.

“If kids are accountable for their choices, then adults should be as well,” and that includes media, he said.

TV profanity was an issue before the Supreme Court last week, which heard arguments about whether regulating curse words and nudity on broadcast stations is sensible when cable and satellite services offer channels with few restrictions. A decision is expected by late June.

Comments (9)

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Paul Hnidka says:

January 18, 2012 at 10:04 am

I agree there is too much cussing in genera and I am not in favor of profanity and nudity on broadcast or cable, but a bleeped word is not a problem. As parents, it is something we can all relate to. Just like it is not necessary to show someone’s brains splattered on the wall to indicate they were shot (show their head, show the gun going off, we get it) the theater of the mind can fill in the details. This is whining over nothing.

Mark Gregory says:

January 18, 2012 at 10:16 am

The anti-profanity club? Are you kidding me? These children are telling me that as an adult I need to be accountable for me actions? I think someone needs a spanking.

Janet Frankston Lorin says:

January 18, 2012 at 11:33 am

I’m really getting tired of these organizations spreading lies about things happening on television in an effort to generate funding for their organization. One such newsletter repeats several times that the”…two year old drops the f-bomb on prime time television…” leading it’s readers to believe that a two year old actually says f**k on television. Readers of this garbage will not actually watch the show to see that it is a very tastefully produced and family friendly portrayal of something that most of us who have kids have experienced. Similar to the PTC outrage over the sex swapping and orgies that were going to be shown on ABC’s “Wife Swap,” it is juat a fund raising drive for these crusaders of government intrusion into every area of our lives!

    Warren Harmon says:

    January 18, 2012 at 12:45 pm


Craig Davenport says:

January 18, 2012 at 12:03 pm

The issue before the SCOTUS is about the F-Bomb going off – LIVE – on the air and without pixelation/bleeping. Here, we’re talking about a little kid, mimicking the word “fudge” (which, BTW, is an acceptable variant to the F-Bomb and does, almost, appear to be “mouthed” as such) and is pixelated appropriately…it’s the other actors around said child that “act” all miffed/riled-up about it. How much different is that situation when you watch Jimmy Kimmel Live and see his bit “Unnessasary Censorship” – where everyday conversations of noteable, conservative talent are pixeled and bleeped with the preceived idea that they “over-stepped” the bounds of decency? Now, if we were talking about genital nudity, that would be a whole lot of different. But even then, pixelating is even more suggestive…Take, for example, the current ALLSTATE/MAYHEM series of commercials, and the one where “Mr. Mayhem” is “streaking” the football stadium, getting “escorted” out sans “clothes” and then ends up on top of a sunroof-open vehicle, looking down on the “embarassed” riders…FUNNY AS H3LL!!! And yet, a bit “edgy” to those that “fill in the blanks” with their own mind…but the guy is FULLY DRESSED!!!! It’s his clothing that’s pixelated. How can that be “so wrong?” Yet…I’m sure that we’ll end up hearing from some “offended” group/clan/moonbeam out there that has nothing better to do than peel the label off a beer bottle and think up some way to get his/her/their 15-seconds of sound-bites and face-time on some dog-forsaken community access channel in some dog-forsaken community in some dog-forsaken state. And then…we’re all “mofo’ed.”

Craig Davenport says:

January 18, 2012 at 12:17 pm

One final comment on this subject…Any organization that HAS to have members pretend to be offended by something they didn’t see/hear/feel/taste is a pot full of 5h!t…if the FCC had any nads worth protecting, they’d see that crap for what it is and crap-can every e-mail/snailmail bit that came into them. Now, if you want to editorialize on or about any situation, then mention it in the opening header, but don’t expect that IRON FIST OF INDIGNATION to come pounding down on any offender. If you saw, heard or experienced it FIRST HAND, then you, and only you, have the right to comment and demand some redress. But, if you’re parroting some lines from some “leader” – then all that you should be able to hear from the powers-that-be is a loud and authoritative “STFU!” ‘Nuff said…

Warren Harmon says:

January 18, 2012 at 12:48 pm

STOP funding and airing the scum of our society, the language fix would be automatic.

Mark Gregory says:

January 18, 2012 at 4:00 pm

Homebrew … change the channel.

Teri Keene says:

January 18, 2012 at 7:40 pm

Wow, eight comments on this bull**it and only ONE on the SOPA/PIPA story? WHO CARES Get your priorities straight, people – no wonder the United States is a worldwide laughingstock