Health Ads Could Send $700M To Stations

The television industry is anticipating an advertising bonanza related to the rollout of the federal health overhaul, with as much as $1 billion expected to be spent on ads by insurers alone, according a story in today’s Wall Street Journal. States are already running commercials to promote the online exchanges they are launching on Oct. 1 to allow people to buy coverage mandated by the Affordable Care Act. Insurance companies will also try to woo new customers shopping on those exchanges. TVB expects that about $700 million of the insurers' ad spending will go to stations. WSJ subscribers can read the story here.

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Brian Bussey says:

August 22, 2013 at 5:13 pm

there are only about five insurance companies that sell these policies via resellers. Its like Blue Cross and the seven dwarfs. What, they are going to spend 100 million each ???